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Multifocal Eye Correction

Private Batigoz Eye Hospital
Batigoz is one of the leading Eye Treatment Hospital which provides the latest state-of-art-technology in the Eye Treatment field of Medicine.
  • Dr Cenk Tokat
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Professor Ahmet Seyhan
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Dt. Funda Erciyas
Deluxe Service Apartment


Multifocal lens implants (multifocal intraocular lens implantation) are designed to reduce your dependence on eyeglasses. With bifocal eyeglasses, you look through the top part of the lens for distance, and through the bottom area of the lens for near. The multifocal lens implant is entirely different because the specially engineered optic provides both a distance focus, and a near focus at all times. Your brain will learn to automatically select the focus that is appropriate for the task at hand. There is a brief learning curve for using this unique optical system.


Many people are interested in surgical methods to reduce their dependence upon eyeglasses and contact lenses. Laser eye surgery, such as Lasik, is the most common way to correct nearsightedness if one is under the age of 40. However, for patients over the age of 50, laser surgery by itself is less advantageous. By this time of life, any method that corrects your distance vision (including contact lenses, Lasik, or a standard lens implant) will not work for reading up close without glasses.


The multifocal lens implant is the only technology that can allow a 50+ year-old eye to have focus both far and near without glasses. For this reason, people over the age of 50 wearing strong prescription glasses may elect to have multifocal lens implants in order to see much better without glasses.


If the patient has a problem with near distance and wants to have this corrected then we suggest the patient to have multifocal intraocular lens implantation.Hyperopia or hypermetropia, is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too short or the lens cannot become round enough), causing difficulty focusing on near objects. As an object moves toward the eye, the eye must increase its optical power to keep the image in focus on the retina. If the power of the cornea and lens is insufficient, the image will appear blurred. A hypermetropic person may have blurred vision when looking at objects close to them, and clearer vision when looking at objects in the distance. By placing a convex (plus powered) lens in front of a hypermetropic eye, the image is moved forward and focuses correctly on the retina. There are different types of intraocular lenses today, but essentially they are divided into two groups: 

1. Monofocal intraocular lenses: these lenses are also known as single focus lenses. In general, they are fitted for remote and patient has to wear glasses for near vision.
2. Multifocal Intraocular Lenses: they are also known as highly focused lenses. Patients have pretty good vision for far, near and intermediate distance when these lenses are used. 85-90% of their daily activities can be done without the use of glasses.



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