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Defy age and the challenges thrown at you by time with Revitalize Health in Izmir, Turkey!

Medical Team

Doctors and Surgeons

Our surgeons are distinguished by their long-standing expertise in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery. Furthermore, our commitment to adhere to rigorous standards, making us the top cosmetic surgery provider in Turkey, is evidenced by the fact our surgeons are accredited with the Turkish Ministry of Health, the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and numerous additional professional bodies.

Aftercare Team - Private Hospital

As well as regular nursing of the highest standard provided by our select private hospitals, we also provide dedicated one-to-one care by English-speaking attendants to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible after surgery. You’ll be monitored constantly during your hospital stay before being discharged to the hands of the post-operative team who will remain in constant touch with you during your stay. Your well-being is of the utmost importance to us.

Medical Coordinators

UK Patient Liaison

Rarely offered by our competitors in the Medical Tourism Industry are Patient Coordinator services provided by our UK office. Easy communication via email, phone and texting any time affords you the security of knowing you’re in trusted hands abroad. Expert advice on treatment options, preparing for surgery and hints and tips for the journey and stay is also offered from the viewpoint of a past patient as well as well as flight sourcing, booking assistance...

Aftercare Team - Patient Villa

Experience our Fully Inclusive Home Care Packages making your stay and recuperation process truly memorable.