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Defy age and the challenges thrown at you by time with Revitalize Health in Izmir, Turkey!

Liposuction + Breast Implant

  • Dr Cenk Tokat
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Professor Ahmet Seyhan
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Dt. Funda Erciyas


Breast Implant (Augmentation Mammoplasty)  and Liposuction (Lipectomy) operations package comes with 10 Nights Stay and FREE Return Flight.  


Breast Augmentation (Implant)


The motives and reasons for considering the breast augmentation may vary, yet, the desire to promote the feeling of self-improvement mostly acts as an overriding drive for breast augmentation operations.

The Nature of Breast Implants

* shell surface (smooth versus textured)

* shape (round or anatomical shaped)

* profile (low, moderate or high)

* volume (size)


Placement of the Breast Implants

* Subglandular

* Subpectoral

* Fully Submuscular



* Transaxillary (armpit or axillary incision

* Peri-areolar ("nipple incision" or "areola incision")

* Inframammary Fold (commonly referred to as the crease incision)

* Abdominal (if abdominoplasty procedure is performed at the same time)

REVITALIZEINTURKEY surgeons are mostly prefer to perform the breast implant operation with 'Inframamary fold' (breast crease) incision, which has less trauma, less complications, less visible scar line and quicker healing.

Silicone Gel Implants

Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth, next to oxygen. Silicones are actually a family of chemical compounds. They are made of silicon, which is a naturally occurring element found in sand, quartz, and rock. When silicon is mixed with oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, it becomes silicone. Silicone can be made in a variety of forms. Low molecular weight silicones form oils. Middle molecular weight forms gels, and high molecular weight forms elastomers and rubbers. Silicone is found in many other types of implants, such as facial implants, artificial joints, drainage systems, etc. The silicone gel breast implants of today quite different than they were years ago. The early silicone gel breast implants had thick shells containing thick gels. These thick shells were replaces in the 70's and 80's with thinner shells. Silicone implants are found to be more durable and resistant against any leakage and rupturing.


What Make of  Implants We Use?

We only use the American Federal Drug Registered Implants: (Mentor and Allergan Implants) which come with a lifetime guarantee.

Please click on the link below to visit the official web page of Mentor Corp.





1- Tumescent Liposuction

The word "tumescent" means swollen and firm. By injecting a large volume of very dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (capillary constrictor) into subcutaneous fat, the targeted tissue becomes swollen and firm, or tumescent. The tumescent technique is a method that provides local anesthesia to large volumes of subcutaneous fat and thus permits liposuction totally by local anesthesia. The tumescent technique eliminates both the need for general anesthesia and need for IV narcotics and sedatives. The tumescent technique for liposuction 1) provides local anesthesia, 2) constricts capillaries and prevents surgical blood loss 3) provides fluid to the body by subcutaneous injection so that no IV fluids are needed.


2- Dry Technique

Dry Technique Dry Technique (no longer used) required general anesthesia. The dry technique derived its name from the fact that it did not use injections of local anesthesia into the fat before liposuction. This technique was abandoned because of the excessive blood loss it caused. Blood composed approximately thirty percent (30%) of the tissue that was removed by liposuction using the dry technique.


3-Wet Technique

Wet Technique also required general anesthesia. The wet technique required the injection of approximately 100 milliliters of local anesthesia containing epinephrine. Although the wet technique caused less blood loss than the dry technique, blood loss with the wet technique was still excessive and dangerous. Blood composed approximately 15% to 20% of the tissue removed by liposuction using the wet technique.


4-Ultrasonic Assisted Technique

Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL) requires the use of a large volume of tumescent fluid and uses either a metal probe or metal paddle to deliver ultrasonic energy and heat into subcutaneous fat. Internal UAL is the term used to describe the technique where a long metal probe, which may be solid or hollow, is inserted into fat through a large incision. Among those surgeons who do internal UAL, most rely on the use of general anesthesia or heavy IV sedation. Internal UAL has largely been abandoned because of the risk of full-thickness skin burns and severe scaring.


5-Power Assisted Technique (PAL)

Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) devices have recently become available. PAL devices use power supplied by an electric motor or compressed air to produce either a rapid in-and-out movement or a spinning rotation of an attached liposuction cannula. Advocates of PAL assert that it makes liposuction easier for the surgeon. While some liposuction surgeons have expressed enthusiasm about PAL, many others remain skeptical about any advantages of PAL. There are no objective scientific publications to support the enthusiastic claims made by manufacturers of PAL devices.


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