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Labiaplasty Operation

Private Gazi Hospital
Private Gazi Hospital has been audited on regular time intervals by the National Private Hospital Auditing Body. Reports of auditing body has indicated that there has not been any case of MRSA which has been detected at the hospital so far.
  • Dr Cenk Tokat
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Professor Ahmet Seyhan
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Dt. Funda Erciyas
Special Deluxe Villa
RevitalizeinTurkey is one of the few clinics abroad to offer an unrivaled after-care service with its dedicated team of specialist, carers and medical advisors.

Labia Minora (inner lips) Reduction: 


Many women dislike the large protuberant appearance of their labia minora. This may cause severe embarrassment with a sexual partner. The overly large labia minora can also result in constant irritation in tight pants. Surgical labial reduction can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of the abnormally enlarged labis. Some women are born with large labia, others may develop this condition with childbirth or age.

Labia Majora (outer lips) Reduction: 

This common anatomical variation may be worsened by childbirth or by weight gain or loss. They may sometimes be improved by liposuction. In more severe cases, surgical reduction is necessary. Labiaplasty also referred to as labioplasty, is a surgical procedure that will reduce and/or reshape the labia minora - the skin that covers the female clitoris and vaginal opening. In some instances, women with large labia can experience pain during intercourse, or feel discomfort during everyday activities or when wearing tight-fitting clothing. Others may feel unattractive, or wish to enhance their sexual experiences by removing some of the skin that covers the clitoris. The purpose of a labiaplasty is to better define the inner labia. During this procedure the urethral opening can be redefined, and if necessary improvements to the vagina may be made. The problem can be caused by genetics, sexual intercourse or difficulties in childbirth.


After surgery, women may experience some mild discomfort and swelling, which usually disappears completely after 1-2 weeks. Labial incisions usually heal and are rarely noticeable.

After surgery, the patient is usually able to walk comfortably within a few days and may return to sexual activities within 4-6 weeks.


After Your Surgery


After Labiaplasty surgery you will have bruising, swelling, and minor discomfort in the groin area. Swelling and bruising will be most noticeable after the first day and will slowly subside over a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Some spotting after labia reduction is normal and should stop after a few days. You should avoid sexual intercourse for 6 weeks to avoid injuring your healing wounds. You should wash your wounds with soap and water three times a day for the next week. Your labia stitches will be dissolvable, so do not need to have them removed.




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