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Defy age and the challenges thrown at you by time with Revitalize Health in Izmir, Turkey!

Ege Sağlık Hospital Deluxe Rooms


    As a company steered with the committment to offer competitive medical care in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery, Revitalize-in-Turkey has recently launched its new VIP hospital room service which includes
    All VIP rooms are elagantly designed with upscale features including plasma TV,  separate patient attendant section, exquisite sitting area, high-end bathroom with jacuzzi (Please see the attached photos)
    The rooms are double times bigger in size than the standard rooms. The VIP room unit is specially designed with due emphasis on serenity where peacefullness is artfully mingled with the five star hotel service and complemented with an advanced nursing service.
    Revitalizeinturkey is dedicated to bring forward the "best medical care-service" in plastic and cosmetic surgery and we pride in being the only company that has incorporated the highest private hospital service to our packages.
    Ege Saglik Hospital which is a chain hospital run by Universal Hospital Group is one of the high standing private hospitals in Izmir that was established in 1969. Recently,
    Ege Saglik Hospital has gone through a very comprehensive refurbishment that led the hospital stand out from the other private hospitals in Izmir which contributed the hospital to be of the flagship hospitals in Izmir.
Elaine Dobson - Ireland
“ We were then transferred to the hospital, my room was great, and many 5 star hotels cannot provide rooms as good as this. A visit from the Anaesthetist and some more checks and I was prepared for surgery, still feeling very relaxed and confident. Lastly another visit from Prof. Seyhan resulted in my being ‘marked up’. Looking like a road map, I was finally given my pre-op meds and wheeled to the operating theatre, now even more relaxed.....”
“After surgery I spent 2 days in hospital, with care provided by the excellent nurses, and visits by Prof. Seyhan. My husband stopped in the room with me and slept on a very comfy day bed. “
Elaine Larcher-UK/Bucks
“The hospital room was like a 5 star hotel. It had a lounge with a double safa bed, beautiful bathroom and a room containing a table and chaiirs. The hospital was state-of-the-art, far more than advanced than any in the UK.”
Gloria Oldham- UK
“The hospital where the operation was performed was amazing. The private room was in par with those of the rooms of a five star hotel. The surgeon was also very tactful and crafted. I was very satisfied with the outcome of the surgery and the service offered in general. Thank you very much”


Ege Sağlık Hospital Deluxe Rooms
Ege Sağlık Hospital Deluxe Rooms
Ege Sağlık Hospital Deluxe Rooms