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Arm Lift

Private Gazi Hospital
Private Gazi Hospital has been audited on regular time intervals by the National Private Hospital Auditing Body. Reports of auditing body has indicated that there has not been any case of MRSA which has been detected at the hospital so far.
  • Dr Cenk Tokat
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Professor Ahmet Seyhan
    Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgeon
  • Dt. Funda Erciyas
Special Deluxe Villa
RevitalizeinTurkey is one of the few clinics abroad to offer an unrivaled after-care service with its dedicated team of specialist, carers and medical advisors.

Fluctuations in weight, growing older and even heredity can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance.

Exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot address excess skin that has lost elasticity or underlying weakened tissues and localized fat deposits.

If the underside of your upper arms are sagging or appear loose and full due to excess skin and fat, an arm lift may be right for you.

An Arm Lift:

  • Reduces excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow
  • Reshapes your arm to result in smoother skin and contours
  • Results in a more toned and proportionate appearance

The Procedure:

The doctor begins by marking the area of excess skin, with the patient either standing or sitting. The anesthesia is administered. Incisions are made on the inner and under surface of the arm, most often in a zigzagged line. The pattern of skin removal usually follows an elliptical or triangular shape. Often some fat is suctioned at the same time. The surgical opening may run from the armpit to as low as the elbow.

While the excess skin and fat is removed, the remaining skin is stretched and sutured into place. Occasionally a drain is used to lead excess fluids from the site of incision, allowing the skin better to adhere to the tissue beneath. The incisions are then bandaged. An arm lift usually takes about two hours.


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