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Defy age and the challenges thrown at you by time with Revitalize Health in Izmir, Turkey!

Special Deluxe Villa

RevitalizeinTurkey is one of the few clinics abroad to offer an unrivalled after-care service with its dedicated team of specialists, carers and medical advisors.

We offer a completely worry-free experience...

Staying alone after the operation at a hotel room is one of the off-putting elements that deter most patients from travelling alone to a foreign country for surgery. At our villa complex, patients enjoy being looked after by our English speaking carers in a tranquil setting.

You can soak up the sun and indulge in the gourmet food...

Staying at a hotel alone post-operatively has more limitations; patients with bandages feel too vulnerable to go out for a walk, most of the hotels don't have balconies or outdoor spaces.

At our villa complex, we have a spacious garden and two large balconies where patients can sit outside to enjoy the sunshine among our citrus trees. We offer a perfect setting for a complication-free recovery.

The beach is only stone's throw away from the villa.  Patients can enjoy a refreshing walk by the sea.

A healthy diet quick recovery...

Healthy Diet is the key element to speedy recovery. We only offer select cuisine and vitamin boosters at our villa complex...with organic vegetables and lots of fruits.

A sophisticated retreat in a tranquil setting...

You are away from the public eye at our villa complex. Discretion, safety and quality after-care constitute the prime elements of our service which is based on a combination of a rejuvenative  retreat and a refreshing holiday, an added bonus to the Revitalized You.

Cosy and comfortable…

All the rooms colours are tastefully decorated with WIFI and TVs.

* Maximum 5 patients stay together at the villa (only female patients avail from the service).

There are five separate rooms with different sizes.

* Patients can enjoy the camaraderie of recovering with others as well as venture out on shopping expeditions to the nearby Kemaralti shopping bazaar.

Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa
Special Deluxe Villa